I really think O&O's different personalities are becoming so transparent. Just thought I'd mention a few glaring differences!
- Olivia would love to be an only child. She loves the attention and she loves to be held.
- Owen is very independent. He can entertain himself for quite awhile, and now that he's crawling, that's even more true.
- Owen must go-go-go. Olivia is perfectly entertained, and sometimes even giggly, watching Owen go-go-go.
- Owen is the sleeper. 11 hours at night, and today, a 3 hour morning nap.
- Olivia is the cuddle bug.
- Olivia is the shy one. She's even more of a cuddle bug when others are around.
- Olivia loves tv, specifically our Baby Beethoven DVD. That's really the only show they "watch", and it magically calms Olivia. Owen watches too, but he plays while he watches. Olivia sits and stares. Please don't judge me because I let my children watch a little tv.
- Owen eats pretty much anything. And then he takes a full bottle. Olivia is a little more picky. But in all actuality, both love almost everything we feed them!
Happy almost New Years! We'll be celebrating with the regular 7:45 bedtime for babies, and probably 10:00 for Mommy. Justin will be at work! Quite the plans, huh?