Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Visit to the Pediatrician

Today was the babies 1 month appointment! Yes, they are 7 weeks old, but we'll get back on a normal schedule soon. Both babies did great!

Owen - 8 lbs 10.3 oz (6%), 20.5 inches (2%)
Olivia - 8 lbs 4.5 oz (8%), 20.25 inches (4%)

The babies have really caught up on growth! If we compared them to 1 week old babies (since they were 6 weeks early), they would both be around the 50 percentile.

We've started our 3rd type of formula and are hoping that will calm Olivia's stressful eating.

My Mom and I did learn a lesson tonight - no outings after the babies get shots. We almost had to sprint out of the mall!

Already looking forward to the weekend,

1 comment:

  1. We learned that lesson too, but we had Avery on an airplane back to Kansas the night of her shots! Not a good idea!!

    Glad the babies are growing and healthy!
