Thursday, July 8, 2010

Attention Baby Lovers

I have been working with the babies on bedtime and we are successful about 50% of the time (success = both babies fed and asleep in bed by 9:30). Thanks to my parents, I usually have help in the evenings to at least get the bedtime routine started.

Next week, we have a bit of a crazy week(in preparation for Aunt Erica's wedding) and my parents are out of town. I am looking for anyone that may want to come hold babies with me (not by yourself!) in the evening on Mon, Tues or Wed. I provide dinner (probably takeout, but hey, it's dinner) and babies (although I cannot guarantee happy ones). I can promise that I won't make you watch the Tour de France, unless you choose to do so! And, you are absolutely not required to stay until the babies go to bed! Any help is a blessing!


1 comment:

  1. Kim, the intern (possibly), and I can do Wednesday night! :)
