Sunday, December 6, 2009

You'll shoot your eye out

Guns or no guns:

Today we went to see A Christmas Story: The Musical.  It was pretty entertaining.  Lindsay and I had an interesting discussion at intermission.  Should we have a child interested in owning a BB gun, would he or she get one.  I think yes.  I had a few BB guns growing up, and still have both eyes.  Seems amazing sometimes, I'm sure I broke the rules of safety several times. (Don't tell my mom)

I didn't really get a straight answer on Lindsay's BB gun policy.  I think this is most likely because a gun is something that never came up in a house with no little boys.  (This is also yet another reason I'm hoping there's at least one boy in Lindsay's belly; should two girls be in there, this post will be deleted ASAP and everyone who reads it must be sworn to secrecy, lest my children automatically assume I hate them, which I probably won't, at least not until they're 12, when they will undoubtedly develop quite the attitude, I'm assuming this will come from their cousin Lola who is 2 years their elder)

But who knows, maybe I'll have a daughter who wants nothing more than to become a sharpshooter.  These are the things I think about.

In summary, my kids get to play with guns.

On a side note, Lindsay is feeling much much better over the last month.  The IV is out, she's battling indigestion and actually starting to show a little more. According to some baby book the feti are the size of oranges now, so that's fun.


  1. Love the post especially the part about big cousin Lola. Of course that little social butterfly will be the one to introduce her little cousins to the joys of dating, texting, and facebooking :o) Can't wait to see you in February! xoxo Ryan

  2. Justin clearly doesn't know Papa's stance on guns. Lindsay, I would caution your husband against showing our father this. I actually kind of like Schmidty and would like to see him live to see the birth of his babies!

  3. Lindsay-
    So glad you are feeling better! Your hubby is pretty funny!!!
