Sunday, January 23, 2011

Early riser

It's early and I'm up.  Nothing new about that.

I'm really starting to wish these babies enjoyed sleeping as much as Lindsay and I do.  Especially on a Sunday morning.  I'm not sure why they feel like 6 am is the time to get up, but they do.  At least they slept pretty well until then.

Olivia is starting to think about trying to crawl.  I believe this is mostly out of frustration.  Owen will crawl right past her, usually right over her, about every 5 minutes.  She'll be knocked to the ground and be very unhappy about it.  So I'm guessing once she learns how, she'll crawl right out of his way.  The other possibility of course, is that she'll charge at him at full speed, just for payback.  Either way, I'm hoping Olivia crawling will result in fewer tantrums because she'll be able to go get whatever she's been whining about wanting for the past few months.

On the health front, Olivia's cold has finally gone away.  She's generally back to her old self.  No teeth yet, although I'm pretty sure they've both been teething for several months.

We all went out for lunch yesterday and a family stopped by our table.  There were three kids, two of whom were boy-girl twins about 10 years old.  The mom asked when we were going to have another kid.  I laughed because I can't possibly imagine adding another into the mix yet.  But this mother insisted that once you've had twins, the third is a breeze.  She said we've got to try it just to see how different it is.  I'm still not sold.  Seems like I've changed enough diapers and lost enough sleep to last me a while.  But we'll see.

We also bought the first of the next round of carseats.  We'll need four of them once they hit their first birthday, but they were on sale, so we thought we'd get one, make sure it fits, then go back for more later.  I can't wait until they can ride front facing.  It'll be nice to keep an eye on them, but mostly I want the legroom back.  I'm tired of driving a clown car.

Testing the new carseat:

As I'm writing, this is what's going on:

Shortly after I took this picture, Owen crawled over towards the couch.  He hit is head or something, which made him angry and he started screaming.  This made Olivia start screaming as she has recently discovered compassion.  This is what I call the wailing spiral of death. Picking them up is about the only thing that calms one from screaming. But when you're alone, only one of them can be picked up and comforted. So once one becomes calm, he or she gets upset again because the other one is still screaming.  It's fun.  It takes a good distraction like music or a happy toy to get out of the wailing spiral of death.  Today it was the music table.
That's all for now.


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