Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Watching the News

Last night, we were watching the 6:00 news.  When this story came on.....

Owen and Olivia got so excited!  Owen was jumping up and down in my arms and giggling.  I could tell that Olivia knew exactly who it was, but she couldn't quite figure out why he was on tv!  Usually, Justin is on the late news so we don't catch him randomly (dvr'd of course), so this was a fun surprise.  I wish I would have gotten video of their reaction.  Maybe I'll make them watch it all afternoon so I can video then!

In the meantime, here is Owen when he woke up from nap yesterday.  I can't believe they are getting so big!  We are off to their 9 month doctors appointment in a few hours!


  1. Yay Justin!!! So fun to see you on the news!! As for the little O's....they are both darling...and getting sooo big!! Hope all is well with you guys!!!

  2. This is SOOOO cool! Justin is awesome!!

  3. Nice job Newsman!

    Megan & Andy
