But anyway, kids say the darnedest things. Here's what's happened since the last time we blogged about it, which was probably one of the last 3 posts, because we really don't blog very often, and when we do get around to it, it's usually to write inappropriate things our kids say.
"This is my personal bed." - Olivia (as opposed to what, the one she shares with Tyler, her boyfriend at school?)
"That's a Rhinosaur!" - Owen (a hybrid rhinoceros/dinosaur, obviously)
"No no Taylor Swift, we don't throw phones, that's not nice." Olivia (when she listens to a TS song that involves a hypothetical domestic argument in which TS throws her phone at a wall in a fit of rage)
"I have tater tots on my pants." - Olivia (they're really polka dots, but anytime we eat tater tots she usually does actually have tater tots on them, or really any other food, ever)
"Bye bye I'm going to Lowes." - Owen and Olivia (because they're actually undocumented day laborers looking for an honest day's wage)
Also Owen can read, or at least memorizes the books he likes, see video below:
Totally a noun! Go, Schmidty! You are so funny!!