Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Now Open

Just wanted to pass along the fact that this blog is now open for
anyone to view, hopefully that will make it easier for those of you
having some issues logging in.

Some other things of note:
Baby girls is apparently feeling a little constricted already. A few
nights ago Lindsay called me over to feel her belly. There was
certainly a sittuation going on. A leg, arm, or possibly an entire
head was pressed firmly against Lindsay's belly. This was the first
time I am certain I have felt the presence of life in there. Sure, I'd
felt some flutters of activity before, but this was a whole different
ball game. Baby girl was making the whole bump lopsided. It was pretty

I'm hearing a lot of ads for KU football season tickets. Am I crazy
for thinking about purchasing a family pack? I'd like some advice
about taking 3-6 month olds to a football game. Please comment below.

On the name front, I think we're very close to making a final
decision. We'll let you know a soon as it is official, mostly so you
other preggos out their don't go stealing our names.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sent from my iPhone


  1. My 4-5 month old was perfectly content in the Bjorn at a football game! It's once they hit the first year mile marker that they become a pain in the rear! :)

  2. I agree - definitely get your tickets to the KU games. We brought Mason to his first Rockies playoff game and Nuggets game when he was about a month and a half and he loved all the loud noises and lights. Plus...the other good news is that if they scream no one cares :) Hope you guys are working on teaching the fight song in utero!

  3. Hi Lindsay! I stumbled across your blog on facebook. I hope you don't mind but I added yours to a handful that I read throughout this crazy pregnancy ordeal :) I've started to get uncomfortable and crabby but catching up on your blog totally put me in check. I can't believe you are growing two little beans in that tiny belly! Sounds like you had a rough start with passing out and IVs (yikes)but you look great and I hope you're feeling better now too! So happy for you and can't wait to read :)
