We started timeouts recently. Owen and Olivia don't quite get it, and they definitely don't sit still. But I wanted them to start putting the word timeout together with doing something bad. Timeouts are usually for bigger offenses, and come after a warning. Some examples....
1. Shoving your sister off a ride on toy dino
2. Hitting your brother in the face with a golf club
3. Climbing up a bookcase
Ok, as I write those things out, all I can think off is how crazy things are around here these days!
The other problem with timeout - compassion. Picture Olivia hitting Owen in the face with golf clubs while he has his diaper changed. She's been warned once, so now she sits in timeout. Owen sits down next to her and brings her a toy. And a binkie. And pats her on the back. It is so hard to not think that is adorable! But no toys in timeout, so now I am spending my time explaining to Owen why he can't give Olivia a toy, which basically takes my attention away from the timeout in the first place! Fail.
I'm sure discipline only gets easier, right?? Ha!
This is hysterical! It gets easier...as long as they actually think time out is a punishment. I have friends whose kids think time out is fun! ;)