Friday, June 15, 2012


Olivia deserves her very own post about drums.  She loves drums.  She loves tupperware and plastic spoon drums.  She loves banging drum sticks on the couch.  She loves to march and play, and make everyone else march with her.  And she especially loves her new drum:

She loves the drums at music class so much that she has a meltdown every week when her turn is over.  I'm not sure what took us so long, but Mimi picked up an instrument set for her last night.  We happen to be at an outdoor concert, so Livie just played along. 

And then she switched to the cymbals. 

She basically was her very own marching band accompanying the kids banjo band.  Her instruments didn't quite jive with the real band playing :)

When Mimi picked up the music set, she got Owen some puzzles.  O&O have never been interested in puzzles until Owen discovered one at the library this week with cars on it.  Now he's in heaven. 

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