Thursday, February 25, 2010

Doctor appt #1243235

We went to the doctor yesterday, for the millionth time. Everything is continuing to go well. Our suspicions that the belly is growing dramatically were confirmed. It now measures 34 centimeters up from 27 two weeks ago. This would explain the constant itching Lindsay is dealing with. The doctor almost alarmed us when Lindsay mentioned the itching. I guess if you're itchy all over, this is a bad thing, but just the belly is normal, because it's growing so fast. (So if you notice Lindsay itching elsewhere, then we've got a problem.) We've now moved into the realm of appointments every week. There are so many to schedule, the receptionist didn't even have time to schedule them all while we waited. We gave her our preferred times, and she was going to work on it through the day. I believe there were about 20 she had to schedule.

Really no other surprises at the latest appointment. We are still finding places for all the great gifts from the shower. Thanks again for all the great gifts. We're glad we have so many great people in our lives.


1 comment:

  1. Lindsay, I hope that you are doing better today! Guess what, I had the itching all over the body, especially the soles of my feet. It was miserable and I wouldn't wish it on anybody! You are a blessed woman since you don't have that! Really. I am so excited for you both and sounds like you married a good one. Justin sounds very attentive and sympathetic even if he has no idea why you may go from exstatic one moment to crying the next. You only have a few more weeks to go!

    Take care, girl,
    Holly Rook
