Sunday, February 28, 2010

Game night

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I know we did. Although it was very busy, at least for a preggo and her husband.

Friday Lindsay wasn't feeling well. She blames lack of meat due to Catholicism. I agreed. But by Saturday morning she was doing well again.

Saturday we watched the KU game only to be disappointed. I guess you can't win 'em all. At least we had wholesome fun to look forward to.

Nick and Catherine invited us over for dinner and games. We brought a salad aimed at imitating Houlihan's. I think we came close. Nick made up a pot of vegetarian chili. And the Maysent's brought brought brownie sundaes. Quite the sweet feast.

Catherine and Lindsay mocking my bump pictures. And no, neither are sporting a real baby bump.

After dinner we broke out Trivial Pursuit, which we dominated until 10pm and the twins decided it was time to go. Quite frankly I'm surprised they lasted that long. Lindsay's usual bed time is shortly after eating dinner.

game night from Justin Schmidt on Vimeo.

Sunday I got the urge to clean. This only happens about once a month, so when it comes you've got to grab hold of it and see where it goes. It went from the kitchen to the living room right out the door into the garage. I think we can now fit both cars in with enough room along the sides to lug around two car seats. Over the last week or so I'd been testing out car seat arrangements in the Jeep, and barely squeezing through the garage. So at least that's out of the way.

We also made it out to buy letters for the nursery. I hope to get those put up this week. I'll definitely post a pic when that's finished.

Looking back at what I've just written, it seems like this might come across as a very boring weekend. It might have been. But I'm guessing it's one of the few easy weekends we have left. The pregnancy seems to be moving so quickly. Lindsay's bladder might disagree.

On a side note, I threw together a last minute ski trip. I'm heading out to Breckenridge on Thursday. I figured I'd get in one last spurt of Justin time. So if you're in KC, I'm sure Lindsay would love some company this weekend. And on the plus side, you don't even have to put up with me possibly tagging along.

Have a great week.


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