Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love Day

While we aren't much of a lovey dovey couple, we did use this weekend as an excuse to have a nice date night. It was actually my perfect idea of a date night - early dinner at Garozzo's, back home and in PJ's in time to watch the KU Basketball game at 7. I even stayed awake through the entire game!

We also finished another nursery to-do by building some shelves in the cubby area behind the door of the nursery (see the picture to explain, it sounds confusing). With just a small closet in the room, I'm excited to have a place to store extra diapers, toys, etc. We continue to add to the collection of diapers (all sizes) as we find good deals!

We also celebrated Valentine's again this evening with regular Sunday dinner at my parents house. Mimi continues to spoil these babies with clothes! We were also celebrating that Kelsey and Justin have sold their house and bought a new one since last week! Pending inspections etc, moving day is in just under a month and we are looking forward to seeing it!

Happy Valentines Day to everyone! Have a great week!


  1. Okay, I seem to remember a certain couple making fun of our engagement pictures? Tell me that the "heart" pic is not any different!? ;)

  2. The heart pic is pretty cheesy. Kelsey, I am so excited you guys were able to sell and buy all in the same week! Justin and Lindsay, so glad you were able to find shelving for the behind the door!
