Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Almost human...

After 3 nights, I finally feel comfortable saying that we may be over the hump. The babies have slept at least 8 hours the last 3 nights, and one night slept 10! This makes for much happier babies and parents! We weighed the babies at home this week, Owen was 12 lbs 7 oz, and Olivia 11 lbs 15 oz. I am excited to see how they are doing at their 4 month checkup in a few weeks.

It's so much fun to see them happy during every day activities. Here are some cute notes from this week:

1. When Olivia wakes up in the morning, she rolls her self to her back and starts talking (you know what I mean!) Such a happy baby!
2. Owen is still swaddled at bed time. He is always happy when I swaddle him and I think it helps him fall asleep. But by this morning, he had wiggled almost all the way out. It was still closed, but was around one foot. When I went to give him his binkie, he smiled, and it fell out. We did that about 10 times! Maybe it's time to quit swaddling!
3. Owen loves to have his diaper changed. It's probably my favorite time with him all day.
4. Olivia loves tummy time, and she pushes all the way up on her arms. She's going to be crawling before we know it.

I just loved these pictures of Owen with my Dad last week.
And Olivia's ruffle butt!

Owen about to wail
Olivia in the bumbo


  1. My how they have changed....they are growing up so fast. Hooray on the sleeping. Sure makes life better, huh?

  2. Yay on getting sleep! Love the pics...the ruffle butt pic is adorable:)

