Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Weekend on the Farm

Ok, we weren't quite "on the farm", but to me, Deshler, NE feels like it! Deshler is home to about 800 people, and since both of Justin's parents grew up there, I swear he is related to all 800. We left Saturday morning, drove the 5 hours (with one feeding stop) and came back this afternoon. The short 24 hours was packed full of entertainment.

Yesterday was the family reunion for Justin's Mom's side of the family. There were tons of babies there! Not kidding - we dropped the kids off and left to take a nap. Ha! Then last night we ventured to the county fair. I have never been to a county fair, and it's clear why. But here's a picture of me participating. Yes, that's a funnel cake.

We awoke this morning and headed to the worship service at the county fair and then lunch at the downtown cafe. We had a pretty successful drive back, although Olivia started to get fussy near Topeka. We stopped to feed again, and she wasn't too happy the remainder of the drive. But funny, she fell asleep when we walked in the door at home, and has been asleep in her car seat for about 45 minutes now. Which conveniently allowed me to wash bottles, make formula for the next 24 hours and start laundry. I've become very efficient!

Unfortunately, that's the only picture we got of the weekend. We have lots of fun weekends ahead and we'll try to do better.

I almost forgot! Many of you aren't aware that Justin was quite the star reporter in Topeka. He has been waiting for the Union to approve his new position in KC, and they finally did! Here's his first KC story!


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