Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Olivia the acrobat

All you parents out there, I need your opinions.  We do not have crib bumpers. After reading tons of articles and listening to our pediatrician, we avoided them because they aren't recommended anymore.  Miss Olivia is all over her crib at night.  She rolls over into the sides, her arms and legs end up dangling out the crib slats.  She doesn't get hurt, or even very angry, but I can't imagine that it's soft to bump in to!  I've looked into mesh bumpers, but that still doesn't really cushion the bumps! 

Any advice? 

Maybe Olivia needs to start gymnastics as soon as possible.



  1. We bought the breathable bumper from babies r us. check it out. Works great!!!

  2. http://www.toysrus.com/search/index.jsp?kwCatId=&kw=breathable%20bumper&origkw=breathable%20bumper&f=Taxonomy/TRUS/2255957&sr=1
