Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The first "anti-pregnancy" day

Well, I am sure I had a day or two early on where I was a pretty unhappy pregnant person, Sunday was the first day in quite some time that I was just plain cranky. I started my morning waking up too early. I grabbed my water from the nightstand to take a drink and drift back to sleep, and proceeded to dump the entire glass all over me and the bed. Needless to say, I was awake. I got changed and went downstairs to sit and watch Justin work on the ribs he was making for lunch and then he made me breakfast. I laid on the couch for awhile and watched Justin clean. It was as if I was completely incapable of doing anything. Justin even unloaded the clean silverware from the dishwasher - which he hates! As the evening rolled around, it was probably good that we had the week off from family dinner, because I mostly sat around and complained about how uncomfortable I was. Around 8:30, I finally asked Justin to help me get to bed, as there was no way I was getting out of my skinny jeans by myself! Plus, the bed needed some cleanup due to my morning spill. I imagine Justin went back downstairs and breathed a sigh of relief that I was finally in bed! That is, until I woke him up about 5 times last night trying to get comfortable! Thank goodness I have Justin! He let me be cranky, was supportive, and he still had a productive day!

I woke up this morning tired from a rough night, but determined to make this a better day than yesterday. So far, so good. But I am hoping for a very early bedtime!

There have been requests for more blog posts, so here ya go!

Tuesday Morning Update: I had a relaxing evening and plenty of sleep last night. Feeling much better!

1 comment:

  1. Those days are rough! Hang in there. And remember - you're allowed to have crabby days. :) Glad you're feeling better. (And bravo to Justin for being a kind and supportive husband! Well done!)
