Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Cow Bell

I've heard rumors of the cow bell before, but I had never actually seen it....until today.

I had my first Sonogram/Non Stress Test today, and I will have them weekly from now on. The purpose is to monitor the babies fluid, heartbeat, size, breathing and activity. Normally, both Owen and Olivia are very active during sonograms, to the point where it is difficult to measure them. But now that their actions are being counted, apparently they were not interested in performing. So, out comes the cow bell. The tech rings it right next to the babies heads. Both babies jumped a little, but then would go right back to sleep. Luckily, these sonograms take quite a awhile, so by the end, both babies were jumping for joy and both were graded well on their movements. By the time we got to the Non Stress Test, both babies moved so much that the test was done in no time. Both babies passed their tests with no other issues! We want them to continue passing these weekly tests, so that there is no need to deliver them too early!

I'm not sure if we posted weights after last weeks measurements, but Owen weighed in at 2 lb 1 oz, and Olivia at 2 lb 7 oz. They are looking great and we are happy to be celebrating the 3rd trimester!

Next on my medical agenda, the dreaded gestational diabetes test tomorrow morning.

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