Wednesday, March 3, 2010

If you're thinking of stealing my babies...

You can bet it won't be at the hospital. We went over to the hospital to do our pre-admission. Everything seems to be in order, in case Lindsay pops soon.

The one really weird thing was the security aspect. I'd never really thought about a good old-fashioned baby stealing, until this morning. The nurse went over all the different security measures they have in place. The babies will have about 12 different bracelets that track them and lock doors if they get too close. We apparently will also have some sort of bracelet that allows us access. In summary, don't even try it wise guy.

I also found out that I'll be traveling to cover K-State during the tournament. I'm of course hoping that Lindsay can hold out on having these things until after March Madness is over. (please don't tell CBS I used their copy righted March Madness term) But we will be keeping a close eye on things while I'm gone, should the Mildcats actually do well this year.


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