Sunday, April 11, 2010

Baby bbq (no babies harmed in the making of this blog)

So the Molzer's aka Flozer's and the Glass's hosted one hell of a baby shower/ bbq.  Thanks for that.  Lindsay and I had an incredible time.  The Molzer's and Glass's are Lindsay's parents cul-de-sac crew.  They're always good for a great party.

A few of my friends also got in on a bit of baby shower action, but I like the term Baby bbq better, but that name is a bit suspect.  (we did't grill any babies, just chicken steak and fish)  I hope everyone had as much fun as we did.  Even though we were a bit worn out from the unexpected hospital trip the night before, I can't say enough about how nice the evening was.

I think we checked just about everything we could possibly need off the list.  We are very blessed to know so many generous people.

We spent part of today assembling the loot from this weekend. Lindsay is particularly happy with the new stroller. (thanks Mr. B)

We are now pretty much just waiting around waiting for Lindsay to pop.  This is apparently going to happen fairly soon, judging by the contractions she's had in the last week or so.

Here are some pics from the bbq.
Chillin in the Lanai

Lola and Grady
Opening presents, Lola's very good at this.

The Boob cake, there's a belly there too, but who notices that first?

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