Thursday, April 22, 2010


First, thanks for everyone's kind words since the babies have arrived!  I know everyone is asking for more pictures, but I will have to leave that up to Justin.  I'll just give you a quick status update!

Since Owen was born first, his update will be first!  I can imagine that will be an argument these 2 little ones will have for the rest of their lives.  Owen is a rockstar!  He has been doing fabulously in the NICU.  He is now in a basic bassinet, and is no longer under a heater.  Justin gave him 2 bottles this morning, and I was able to give him one this afternoon.  Apparently he then decided he no longer wanted his feeding tube and pulled it out himself. He is not ready to go home yet, but is doing better hour by hour.  

Olivia is struggling a little more than Owen, although I gave her a strict talking to this afternoon.  Olivia has had more trouble breathing and is still under an oxygen bubble.  Because of her breathing, she is not ready for bottle feedings just yet, so she still has a feeding tube. She is also under a heater to manage her temperature.  Olivia is under the care of a neonatologist, and we are reassured that these are common issues for 34-week old babies.  Since Owen is not connected to any tubes, he may be able to make a visit to Olivia's room soon to help her out.

A great friend Lindsay M brought some darling woobies (blankets) yesterday and we were able to wash them and then I cuddled with them this afternoon.  Now each baby has their woobie with them in the NICU and a little smell of me!

As for me, I am improving,  The delivery unfortunately left me with some severe anemia and therefore I am not allowed out of bed on my own because I am very dizzy.  They are monitoring me constantly and will decide soon whether a blood transfusion would be a good idea.  So far, not sure any of us are getting discharged soon!  I was finally able to get up to see the babies today. Aunt Erica was here and pushed me up in a wheelchair and I was able to hold and feed Owen and sit with Olivia for a bit.

As for Justin, he quickly took on the role of super dad.  When he is with me, he helps me move around the bed and get to the restroom.  He spends hours at a time with the babies, feeding and reading and making sure they are ok.  He is great at relaying their status back to me.  In his spare time, he went to work today.  We both decided it would be better if he took his paternity leave once we are all settled at home.

It has been fantastic to have our families here for the last few days.  We need a lot of help even though we are at the hospital.  I can't imagine what it is going to be like at home!

Thanks again for everyone's wonderful messages.  And to reiterate what Justin posted yesterday, we do love visitors, so feel free to come by, but please understand that the babies visitors are very limited.  We'll keep you updated on their status!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lindsay... I am praying for a quick recovery for you!!! I can't imagine how hard it would be to not have those cuties right next to you. I am dying to come and visit....we have an out of town guest staying with us this weekend...but I'm hoping to be able to slip away for a bit.... Sounds like you have one fantastic hubby.....and those babies already have a great mommy and daddy!!!! Thanks for the update...can't wait to see you and the babies!!! Take care of yourselves and please let us know if you need anything at all!!!!!!
