Sunday, April 25, 2010

Snip snip

Can you guess what this post is about, considering the title? Just a little fun there. I really hope once Owen is old enough to read, we'll remember to show him this. Maybe on a prom night or something fun. ANYWAYS, Owen was circumcised today. He handled it pretty well, only crying a little bit. Although he's not handling eating very well today. For some reason he shows little to no interest. Even nurse Larry, who is awesome by the way, can't get him to eat much. Tonight they put in a new feeding tube to make sure he's getting enough formula. The good news is that he's still gaining weight. We're told this is rare in the first week. Especially rare considering he's a fussy eater. (10pm update- We went to help with the 9pm feeding- Owen took his whole bottle fairly well. He also apparently took his whole 6pm feeding no problem. Probably just out of spite since they had put a new feeding tube in.)

Olivia had a slightly less exciting day, no cutting of any kind. Olivia is eating though. Lindsay bottle fed her for the first time this morning, and once again this afternoon. She's only getting a few milliliters at a time, but it's progress. She seems to be taking to the whole eating thing pretty well.

Last night there was some talk of Owen coming home. We went through the whole "going home" checklist and instructions. He even aced his car seat test. Unfortunately his hunger strike is putting this on hold for now. We hope early this week he'll show some improvement.

Well you've read this much, so here's your reward. Some pictures:

Lindsay and Olivia
Lindsay and Owen
Owen sleeps tonight
Olivia and Lindsay

Olivia and Justin


  1. What great pics! They made me teary...I'm so glad they are getting healthier every day. I'm just itching to get my hands on them!

  2. DARLING Pics!!! Thinking about you all everyday!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Linds-
    Okay so while I can't believe that you actually have TWO babies (weren't you just a frosh- yesterday?!!?)....I could not be more thrilled for you. The babies are just precious! I will be praying for growth and strength for all 3 of you...congratulations!!
